Startup with /usr/bin/icecast2 -b -c /etc/icecast2/icecast.xml That file looks like this, please adapt your parameters. This is a real working example on a machine with an AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4400+ and 2GB ####################################################### # The server the clients are listening to ####################################################### DE webmaster@kiste.local 10 2 524288 30 15 10 65536 SAGICHNICHT SAGICHAUCHNICHT admin PSSSST kiste.local 8000 1 /usr/share/icecast2 /var/log/icecast2 /usr/share/icecast2/web /usr/share/icecast2/admin /stream /exp access.log error.log playlist.log 3 10000 0 icecast2 icecast ####################################################### # the streamer: ####################################################### We feed in a stream with ezstream, which seems to be the only program one could configure in a time shorter tahn a humans life: ezstream -c ezstream_mp3.xml 2>&1 >/dev/null ####################################################### # This is ezstream_mp3.xml: ####################################################### http://kiste.local:8000/stream PSSSSSSST MP3 /files/Musik/random.m3u 1 Radio Braindead http://kiste.local:8000/stream PrognJazz Yeah 256 2 44100 0 ###################################################### Hope, this helps, it has been running for years now and still does with a long playlist of actually 700 pieces - all mp3/256 Autoconversion eats up CPU, dont try it below a I7 with ssd and 4GB grz, Wuffel