Some personal information you might find interesting or not, professions, interests and stats:
Playing drums with Beelzebub Airlines, Electrognome and other bands, no one knows. Ask for more.
Don't ever phone me without emergency! Send text. Use your brain. Machines have none.
Networking/TCP-IP/Linux and other unixoid operatingsystems.
Social, ecological and political activities.
Yes, I am an ecologist, and yes, I don't like our current global economic structure.
Photografism. Some kind of art or how ever you name it.
Traveling and moving by bicycle. Cars are outdated technologie, please stop that nonsense as soon as possible.
Some sports, not tooo much.
Drinking and drugs: Usually not, I prefer a clean mind but don't take me apart from my coffee!
Size, weight, sexuality and haircolor: yes
Build: 1958
Most important book: The Tibetan Book of Death
Most important piece of music: Room full of mirrors - Jimi Hendrix
Most important picture seen: Tryptichon - Patrick Woodroffe
Some favorite bands: Beelzebub Airlines, Mahavishnu Orchestra, Embryo, Magma, Gong, Jazztrack, Miles Davis, Rush, Soft Machine
Favorite film: La Montana Sacra (Alejandro Jodorowsky)
Something else: Keep on breathing.
Rants, comments, jokes, tips and stuff. Mostly in German.
Various files. Whatever.